Technology Learning Centre [TLC] Blog

Today is yesterday's dream and the beginning of tomorrow's potential…

Night and Day

In science we have been learning about why there is night and day. We have been reading about Space and the planets. We have been making a sundial out in the playground to help us understand how the Earth turns each day. There are so many facts that we now know about this topic.

Post something that you have learnt so far about night and day.
Which planet are you most interested in?
What do you think it would be like in space?
Have you seen any great pictures from space?
Did you see what phase the moon was yesterday night?
Write some facts that you know 🙂


Maths Fun Day

On Tuesday the 25th of August we had Maths Fun Day at our school.
In the middle of the day we went to year 5, year 4, the chinese class and the library to learn about different parts of Maths with Mr Khoo, Mr Mourad, Miss Van Hoek, Miss Alimpangog and Miss Chan.

After lunch it was time for the amazing race. We had to answer as many questions as we could to fill up our passport with stamps. At the end of the day Mrs Whitfield drew out winners. Leon was so lucky! He won a checkers set!

What did you like on Maths Fun Day?
Did you have a favourite activity?
Which questions do you remember?
Post a Maths question or number story for your friends to answer.


Monday’s Assembly

Keep up the great work everyone!
What fantastic concerntration today!
You should be so proud of the way you learnt our item so quickly.
Take some time to show your family because

Practise over the weekend by watching the video here.


Symbio Wildlife Park

Last Thursday all of our grade went on an excursion to Symbio Wildlife Park. It took about 45 minutes to get there on the bus. We went to learn more about animals because that’s what we have been studying in Science and English.

When we got there we sat on the grass and had recess. John the owner came out and told us that his family owns the zoo and how we can have a good visit.

After recess we went inside and met Miss Phoebe. She was really nice and told us more about 5 special animals. She showed us a blue tongue lizard, a python, a turtle, a possum and a minature pony! Then we got to go around the zoo and look at all the different creatures with our class groups. Some people in our class went with Mrs Hidson and some went with Mrs Payne.

At 1 o’clock we met up with our friends to have lunch in the picnic area. Everyone was busy eating and talking about what they had seen. Finally it was time to go to the toliet and get back on the bus to come back to school.

We had a wonderful day at Symbio Wildlife Park. Thank you to everyone who came and made it such a great day. Miss Phoebe said our school is very well behaved and that we asked some fantastic questions. Maybe we will visit again another time!

Post a comment…
Have you been to Symbio before?
Do you think that other children from our school would like to go there?
What did you see at the zoo?
Did you learn any new facts?
What was your favourite part of the excurision?

Show your family where we went by visiting the Symbio website!



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