Technology Learning Centre [TLC] Blog

Today is yesterday's dream and the beginning of tomorrow's potential…

Symbio Wildlife Park

on August 3, 2015

Last Thursday all of our grade went on an excursion to Symbio Wildlife Park. It took about 45 minutes to get there on the bus. We went to learn more about animals because that’s what we have been studying in Science and English.

When we got there we sat on the grass and had recess. John the owner came out and told us that his family owns the zoo and how we can have a good visit.

After recess we went inside and met Miss Phoebe. She was really nice and told us more about 5 special animals. She showed us a blue tongue lizard, a python, a turtle, a possum and a minature pony! Then we got to go around the zoo and look at all the different creatures with our class groups. Some people in our class went with Mrs Hidson and some went with Mrs Payne.

At 1 o’clock we met up with our friends to have lunch in the picnic area. Everyone was busy eating and talking about what they had seen. Finally it was time to go to the toliet and get back on the bus to come back to school.

We had a wonderful day at Symbio Wildlife Park. Thank you to everyone who came and made it such a great day. Miss Phoebe said our school is very well behaved and that we asked some fantastic questions. Maybe we will visit again another time!

Post a comment…
Have you been to Symbio before?
Do you think that other children from our school would like to go there?
What did you see at the zoo?
Did you learn any new facts?
What was your favourite part of the excurision?

Show your family where we went by visiting the Symbio website!


31 Responses to “Symbio Wildlife Park”

  1. braiden143 says:

    Dear Naoia,

    I did’nt go to the wildlife park. I stayed at school . I went to year 2. I had sport with Mr Foley we played volley ball.

    From:Braiden πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    • steven143 says:

      Hi Braiden,
      I go to Synbio Wildlife park. It was so fun. I wish that you came. πŸ™

      What time did you play sport?

      From Steven πŸ™‚

  2. tien143 says:

    Hi Phillip and Leon,

    On 28/7/2015 year 3 went to Symbio Park Zoo.
    I have never been to Symbio before but I went too a diffrent zoo.
    Yes I would like any school to go there. At the zoo we saw lots of animals but my favorite animal was the tiger. Yes I learned lot of facts :]. My favorite part is when we got to touch the animals.


  3. naoia143t says:

    Hi everyone,
    Last Thursday i went to Symbio Wildlife Park.Fristly Mrs Payne marked our names of. secondly we had to jump on to the bus. It took 45minutes to get there.When we got there we had recess.After we a recess Miss Phoebe inturdused her salf to us.then we went to the tigers it was very lazy.then we looked at some other animals.Thirdly we went back and patted some of Miss Phoebes friends we got to pat a freshwater turtle, a python, a blue tounge lizard and a gholden possum.After that i got feed a kangaroo. then we had to get on the bus.
    From: Naoia πŸ™‚

    • ayub143a says:

      Hi Naoia,
      I think it is a good plan if we let the next grade go to Symbio Wildlife park.The best animalI liked was the possum because it was so soft and cute.
      I would like to go there again.

  4. phillip143 says:

    Hi Mrs payne

    I like the animals they we want to the Koala the koala was cute.

    We went to the Reptail house and we see the snaks. the snats was long. some snak was the colour green.

  5. joanna143c says:

    To Tamara,

    I have never been to Symbio wildlife park before. I think that other people from our school would like to go there. I saw koalas, blue tongue lizards, wombats, a red panda and ponies. I learnt that koalas eat the tips of the leaves of eucalyptus trees. My favourite of the excursion was when we saw the wombat sleeping on the log.

    From Joanna

  6. andy143 says:

    Hi MrsPayne,
    at Symbio wildlife park i like tigers and the ginni pigs are so cute.
    It was fun so much fun Mrs Hidson had a ginni pig but it was sick.
    It was funny the kangaroos bones are so hard


  7. Christopher143 says:

    Hi everyone,

    I loved seeing all the animals they were Awsome I loved the red panda they were super cute. I liked all the animals we had reces then we saw the zoo keeper his family owend zoo. then we went inside the zoo and we saw miss phobe she was really kind she showed us a small pony It done triks then we saw a blue toung lizard it was really cool. I loved seeing all the animals they were so cool then we went to the bird cages they had three kinds of birds in one big cage It was really cool. I saw a loin it was lazy it just layed in the sun. we went to see the koalas then we went to see the reptiles after we went to see kangaroos and joeys.

  8. phillip143 says:

    Hi Mrs Payne this year was the multicultral and we brang food to eat and food for ervyone.

    from phillip

  9. nathan143 says:

    Hi Mrs Payne,
    I like the animals they we got to the and we have recess they we went to the zoo and we go
    in the reptail and we went out of th raptail but. we have to go to the the long snak is reptail houes they we got see lot of monky and I Saw a big red panther and we got to the mammals I see tiger and lettle monky and I will have lunch and we look at dingo and we got to bus wail 45 mineter

    from Nathan
    p.s.s i hop you have fun πŸ™‚

  10. sean143 says:

    Hello Mrs payne i really like that excurison becuase when i first went there i was so happy but then when i was walking i hurt my leg on a bench but when i went to the animals i was a little bit sad becuase i saw some of the animals were endangered but when i went into the big rould circle i was soo happy i loved the blue tung lizard and the posem but i really hated the snake becuase he was looking at me it was soo scary.

  11. zolanda143 says:

    Dear Mrs Payne,
    Year 3 Went to Smybio Wildlife Park to see animals.I never been their before.I lernt that tutles shells are made out of hair.
    My favourtie part was the when we could touch the joeys.
    From Zolanda

  12. vili143r says:

    Hi eveyone
    i havn’t been to symbio befor.
    yes people from our school would like to go.
    i saw tigers, kangaroos, small monkyes ande a parrot.
    my favourite part was looking at the animals.
    From:Vili πŸ™‚

  13. matthew143 says:

    HI Raymond

    When we got to Symbio Wildlife Park we had
    are recess and saw John the owner of the zoo.
    firstly we walked inside the zoo and went to the animal talk. Mrs Phope showed us some animals.
    from Matthew

  14. kathleen143 says:

    Hi sala,
    On the 30th of July we whent to Symbio Wildlife park. The year three only get to go and sore lots of animals like tiger and guinea pig. then miss phebeo came and spok to as about how to be quiute so the animal will be calm.
    Frrom kathleen πŸ™‚

  15. sala143 says:

    Hi Everybody,
    On the 30th of July year3 went to Symbio Wildlife Park to see the animals and study for Science. We saw kangaroos,Koala and all diffrent kinds of animals.Diego was so lucky because there was a snake on his neck.We went to Miss Phobe and we saw a pony doing some tricks.
    From:Sala πŸ™‚

  16. elisapeta143 says:

    Hi Everybody,
    On the 30th of July the year 3 went to Symbio Wildlife Park to see the animals and get to know how to look after the animals proply so they can live longer. We saw Kangaroos,koalas and all the other kinds of animals. Diego was lucky because he got a snake around his neck. Miss Pheobe showed us 3 different types of animals, 1 was a blue tongue lizard, python and a possum.
    From Elisapeta

  17. patricia143 says:

    symbio Wildlife park,
    On the 30th 0f jluy the yest 3 went to wildlife park and I see the koalas.
    and I saw a kangaroos/ red panda/ monkey/ tiger/ pone/ turturs/

    From Patricia

  18. jess143ica says:

    Hi Lyne,
    At Symbio Wildlife Park every single animals was so cute. The one I like was the dingo because they run a bit fast and I run a bit fast as well. We got to touched ablue tongue lizard and some other

    From Jessica

  19. tamara143 says:


    On Thusday the year 3 class went to Symbio Wildlife Park it took our 45 minutes to get there.Fristy we got off the bus to have recess and fruit break and John the owner talk about the zoo.Secondly at 11o’clock all the year 3 class went to the show to meet Miss Phoebe and she talked to us about thew rule in the zoo and the zoo rules is no running,no making loud noise and stay in our group.After that Mrs Payne and Mrs Hidson have a gruop and I was in Mrs Payne group.And Mrs Payne brought her group in the retile to see the snake and the turtle.Finally we had lunch together and some people went to the tolite and went on the bus and went back to school.

    From:Tamara πŸ™‚

  20. raymond143 says:

    Hi Tien,
    I have not gone to Symbio wildlife park before.I think that other school like to go.I saw lion.i learn pony

    From raymond: )

  21. kevin143 says:

    Hi Steven;
    did you know that at the symbio wildlife park
    they was lots of animal.It was fun.
    form kevin:)

  22. andy143 says:

    Hi Phillip
    It was a great
    day at Symbio Wildlife Park
    the reptiles house there
    was the most venomous snake of all called the typhoon but my favorite was the……The Fresh Water Crocodile but the American Crocodile was a bit small and my least favorite is the llama and the…bull and in the middle is the…..the peacock but one thing is that the parrots where SO ANNOYING THEY KEEP ON COPYING US!!!!!!!.

    From:Andy (>_<) πŸ˜€

    • tamara143 says:

      Hi Andy,

      I was so happy to see the animals at Syimbo Wildlife Park.So I was shouting on Thursday morning. πŸ™‚

      From:Tamara πŸ™‚

  23. steven143 says:

    Hi Kevin,
    We went to Symbio WildLife park. When we got there we ate resses. I ate Chips and a Muffin. After Jonh came and his the owner of Symbio. Then we enter and we saw lots of animals. We saw a lion relaxing in the shade. Then we went to stadiam to see Mrs Phoebe. She said wait untill 20 minutes so Mrs phoebe can get the animals ready. So we went and see more animals. We went to the bird cage, it was so noisy! After 20 minutes we went to the stadiam again so we see the animals. She brag a snake and a possum. It was cute but then the snake was so scary. Next we saw the guinea pigs pen and they are soooo CUTE! Then we devided group and I was in mrs Hidson group. Then we went to the Koala house and Mrs Phoebe tell facts about Koala. Then it was lunch time and i ate a sandwich. After lunch we spend a little bit time. Then we went to school.

    I was happy because we get to go to the Koala house. πŸ™‚

    From Steven πŸ™‚

    • mrspayne143 says:

      Wow Steven this is a great post about our excursion πŸ™‚ What part did you like the best? My favourite part was seeing all the animals with Miss Phoebe because we could touch them. That little possum was so soft and cute! Have you showed your family to map on the Symbio Website?

  24. sophia143 says:

    Hi Mrs Payne,

    The possum you like is called ‘The Golden Brush Tail Possum’I still remember the name.

    From:Sophia πŸ™‚

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